Meet the improved Mustr notes for PR pros: know and share everything about journalists and bloggers in your network

Mustr has the ambition to be a Killer PR Tool for PR agencies and in house PR professionals.

For us, that doesn’t mean spamming media contacts with press releases. It does mean that you need to know and leverage the network of journalists and bloggers around your brand or company. For that you need to be able to record and share what you know about your influencers. Which is why we’ve been working hard on a new, improved version of notes. 

Problem: sharing and recording information about journalists with the entire team

As you probably know, Mustr was developed by a PR team. We use Mustr ourselves, and we want it to be the ultimate tool to maximise the ROI of PR. One thing we noticed is that information about journalists and bloggers can easily get lost – when team members move on, or just because there’s no decent place to keep that information. We knew we were on the right track with our notes feature, but we also noticed that there was room for improvement.

For one, it was necessary to “edit” a journalist or blogger every time we wanted to add more information about them. That didn’t make sense. Contact information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses) does not change with every interaction with a journalist. Your assessment of journalists and bloggers does, however.

PR done better: record every interaction with every journalist or blogger

So we changed our notes to reflect this. The new notes feature makes adding a new insight about your influencers easy and fun. Our inspiration for the way the notes looks is Evernote, everyone’s favorite note system.

While you are calling them, you can now easily add a note. The notes are datestamped and have your name. This means that team members have an “at a glance” view on the history that your team has with the journalist.

Here’s how the new notes look on the journalist’s profile page:
2014_06 new notes datestamp and name

When hovering over the note, you can choose whether to view, edit or delete a note:

Mustr PR tool media relations

And here’s a screenshot of how the notes feature looks while you’re adding a note:

Mustr PR tool media relations

When you have a good record of your past interactions with media contacts, it becomes easier to know how to contact them.

If necessary, you can quickly ask your team members about specific (positive or negative) interactions in the recent past. Or you can decide that you will leave a certain important pitch to a team member who seems to have a long and fruitful history with a journalist.

We’ve been testing the feature internally, and we find that this helps us tremendously to create better pitches for journalists.

Let us know what you think and need to be better at PR!

We’re very curious to hear your feedback on our new feature. Sign up now for our 15 day free trial, and let us know what you need from Mustr to become the Killer App in PR. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • MindMeister

    Just added new notes to a few of our contacts – works great!

    • Raf Weverbergh

      Great to hear!