11 new PR tools and apps discovered at Web Summit

The Mustr team attended the Web Summit in Dublin this year – the place to be for ambitious start-ups to present their work to the world. We talked to a lot of colleagues and discovered how tools are becoming ever more customizable, easier to use and… cheaper. Here is our selection of brand new start-up PR tools [...]

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Mustr v2: drag and drop press releases, analytics, personalised e-mails, Twitter feed integration

As you know, Mustr’s mission is to build a PR tool that allows PR professionals to get better results faster. A remark that we consistently get from PR professionals is that their team wastes a lot of time sending out press releases. Because PR pros routinely push their e-mail clients to the max of their functionality, [...]

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Want to build an insanely profitable PR agency? Declare war on “failure demands”

Lean is all the rage these days, thanks to ‘The Lean Startup’ by Eric Ries. If you run a PR agency and you have worked with a startup or a big manufacturer, chances are that you’ve heard the gospel of ‘lean’. In fact, you may well have already run into some of the approach’s more [...]

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Meet the improved Mustr notes for PR pros: know and share everything about journalists and bloggers in your network

Mustr has the ambition to be a Killer PR Tool for PR agencies and in house PR professionals. For us, that doesn’t mean spamming media contacts with press releases. It does mean that you need to know and leverage the network of journalists and bloggers around your brand or company. For that you need to [...]

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