Meet the improved Mustr notes for PR pros: know and share everything about journalists and bloggers in your network

Mustr has the ambition to be a Killer PR Tool for PR agencies and in house PR professionals. For us, that doesn’t mean spamming media contacts with press releases. It does mean that you need to know and leverage the network of journalists and bloggers around your brand or company. For that you need to [...]

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What is the best tool to send press releases to journalists and bloggers? Mustr now offers responsive mailings with high resolution images

We developed Mustr because we wanted to create a beautifully designed, easy to use PR tool that cuts out a lot of tedious and time consuming chores that PR professionals still face (like copy-pasting e-mail addresses, resizing pictures, digging in Excel sheets for the right media contacts). All of which explains why we’re very excited [...]

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