Category Archives: Uncategorized

What is the best tool to send press releases to journalists and bloggers? Mustr now offers responsive mailings with high resolution images

We developed Mustr because we wanted to create a beautifully designed, easy to use PR tool that cuts out a lot of tedious and time consuming chores that PR professionals still face (like copy-pasting e-mail addresses, resizing pictures, digging in Excel sheets for the right media contacts). All of which explains why we’re very excited [...]

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[Easter edition] 5 Lessons We Should Learn From Cats and Apply in PR

This is a guest post by Andreea Paraschiv, a passionate tech marketer who worked with various multinational and local IT organizations, from start-ups to corporations  like Intel, Microsoft, Kingston, VmWare, Maguay, CyberGhost and more. There’s no news that cats rule the Internet. And this is definitely the dream of every PR representative: to make its company (or client) to [...]

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PR agency management – Part 1: Recruitment and team management for a competitive edge

There is a fierce fight over the clients’ budgets between the multitude of PR agencies. Your agency needs to have the competitive advantage to make it stand out when pitching to clients, while you also need to run the agency in a way that margins are at least satisfactory. We’re set on a mission to [...]

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Everything a Public Relations expert should know about SEO in 10 minutes

For those of you who still wonder how can your creative PR work targeting people get along with the seduction of search engines algorithms, then look no further! Here is basically everything a PR pro should know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – no more, no less, and headache-free. PR and SEO – the beauty [...]

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Lessons learned on PR Crisis Management

  This is a guest post by Andreea Paraschiv, a passionate tech marketer who worked with various multinational and local IT organizations, from start-ups to corporations  like Intel, Microsoft, Kingston, VmWare, Maguay, CyberGhost and more.   The first time I faced a PR crisis I tried to reach for external support. I first called a [...]

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How to engage with journalists on Twitter – a complete guide for the PR pro

Twitter is definitely the place where journalists hang out to do their job. To be more specific, in 2013 there were nearly 60% of journalists on Twitter. And it is their preferred social media channel by far to be contacted by PR professionals, 85% of them considering being approached for PR purposes welcome on twitter.

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Public Relations summits not to miss in 2014

We made a list of all the big events for PR professionals that will take place in 2014. If you want to see the latest PR trends, share and debate with your peers on various PR topics and enhance your network inside the industry, these PR summits and conferences are not to miss in 2014.


The 2014 ultimate list of Media Relations tools for the PR pro

Welcome to the ultimate list of 50+ PR tools for better Media Relations that will help you reach journalists and bloggers like a Pro and get your stories out there like never before. The tools are sorted by purpose and contain descriptions and pricing.